Is A Toner Beneficial In Treating Enlarged Pores?
Beautiful, flawless skin is not just a soothing visual to the eye but is also reflective of the health and overall well-being of an individual. A few of us, are, of course, blessed to have inherited a good skin in our genes, but for the others, a little effort can help us realize that dream skin sooner than we think. Unadulterated, organic skincare products are the best allies and uardian angels when it comes to taking care of our skin and providing it with ample nourishment and repair.
The foreword here being ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ because let’s admit, the kind of wonders that using natural ingredients can do to our skin, no amount of chemicals, or artificial supplements can achieve. Enlarged pores are one such skin problem that a lot of us seem to be ackling and natural ingredients like rose water and cucumber offer the best solutions to the rescue.
“Taking care of your skin is far more important than covering it up.”
Just using the right natural products and adhering to a disciplined skin care regime can remarkably transform the texture and luminosity of our skin to great extents. To the extent that even if we move out of our homes in our bare skin, with just the application of the sun protection layer, our skin is beaming with life and looks all radiant and fresh.
This is the kind of skin, the experts at ‘Ozone Ayurvedics’ desire and envision for each woman, enabling her to live her life, beautiful and carefree, without stressing much about any of those skin flaws showing away to the world. The team works relentlessly, round the clock, to keep adding to the collection of natural organic products so that the world benefits from the superlative goodness of nature.
What causes the condition of enlarged pores?
Enlarged pores are essentially a skin concern that arises at old age when your skin loses elasticity and the production of skin building tissue, collagen is also considerably reduced. As a consequence, the skin tends to stretch and sag, making the pores appear larger. Skin texture also thickens with age, and tiny, minuscule skin cells gather around the pores, which also makes them look larger.
In the younger years, excessive production of sebum, which is usually the characteristic of sensitive, oily skin is what leads to the appearance of enlarged pores on the face. The sebaceous gland underneath the skin produces a lot of oil, that causes the pores to open up and expand due to its comedogenic propensity. The elasticity of the skin cells also decreases and as a result, the skin appears sagged, dull, and worn out.
Enlarged pores on the face is a concern that not just affects women, but also the male population in equal proportions. Since men tend to have thicker skin than women, they are more prone to having enlarged pores. Also, regular shaving of facial hair and the clogging of hair follicles and pores further aggravates the problem. The first step to effectively combating the issue is to keep the skin clean and dirt-free at all times.
This would fight off all the grime, pollution, and sebum off the skin layers, keeping the pores clean and resisting the advent of any acne. For this, we suggest using Ozone Ayurvedics’ range of skin-specific face washes and cleansers made of natural, organic ingredients that work gently on your skin.
You may choose from our comprehensive product range comprising of ‘Jasmine Face Wash’, ‘Perfect Skin Tone Face Wash’, ‘Acne Check Face Wash’, ‘Ayurvedics Sandal Face Wash’, ‘Ayurvedics Aloe Vera Face Wash’, and ‘Whitening Cream Face Wash’, suiting your specific individual skin need. It is best advised by experts to wash your face with these organic products at least twice in the day; once in the morning and at night, before taking to bed.
How is a TONER beneficial in treating enlarged pores?
The hero product though, that is phenomenal in tightening the enlarged pores and restoring the elasticity of the skin is unquestionably the TONER. We can go on and on listing the endless benefits of using a toner, but here are a few that are enough to convince you to include one in your regime. A toner rebalances the pH levels of the skin and wards off any further clogging of pores and breakouts. Though it is not feasible t
o completely deflect the appearance of pores, a toner works very effectively on shrinking the size to visibly reduced levels, so much so that your skin would appear microporous or completely without pores.
After, cleaning your face with a face wash or a cleanser, dab some toner onto a cotton pad and press it gently all over your face and neck. It also works well, if you take a few drops in your hand and dab it into your skin. Remember, you don’t need to massage or circulate a toner into your skin as we do with a moisturizer. Toner is very lightweight and seamlessly penetrates the layers. Post the application, apply a moisturizer or a hydrant that adds suppleness to your skin.

A toner also aids the better absorption of a moisturizer into the skin and hence, the effects of the moisturizing agent are enhanced multifold. When it comes to a toner, like all other skincare products, always look for natural and organic ingredients. Rosewater is indeed the best, natural toner and Ozone Ayurvedics’ ‘Classic Rose Toner’ is a cult product in this category.
It is extracted from the Damask Rose, by distilling the natural rose petals with steam. Cucumber is another organic ingredient that is a natural toner. We suggest you try the ‘Classic Cucumber toner’ from our range that is known to contain extracts of cucumber in the concoction that provide water based hydration to your skin while treating the enlarged pores.
Dermatologists say that if you wish to have supple and youthful-looking skin, one must regularly use a toner, without fail. Your facial skin looks ages younger if treated to a toner twice a day. “A toner used twice a day, keeps the ageing skin at bay.”
Not just enlarged pores, but it is highly recommended against uneven skin tone and dark spots on the face. Didn’t we tell you; the benefits are endless!
Ways to combat the concern of enlarged pores
Oily skin is usually more prone to concerns, yet, if take care of well, it looks the most radiant and healthy. Open pores are usually the predicament of people with oily skin. Experts suggest keeping the skin clean and using a toner every time you wash your face. Since most oil-based moisturizers contain oils that may be comedogenic, people with oily skin should choose the water-based moisturizers and hydrants as they are high in humectants rather than oils. The excess oil from cream or oil-based moisturizers collects on the skin and makes pores appear larger.
Drink gallons of water in a day to make those pores tighter and smaller. Water is very effective in increasing the elasticity of our skin and that is the reason, it is suggested to use water-based products as well.
It is no secret, that our skin incurs huge damage from prolonged skin exposure. Direct sun is hazardous for the skin cells and leads to irritating the open pores. People who spend long hours in the sun during their youth, often have enlarged pores in their old age once their skin loses its capacity to repair on its own. We strongly suggest putting on a thick layer of our organic Sunscreen products before putting that step out of the home.
Enlarged pores are a demon but can be tamed well. All you need is a natural toner and few healthy habits to inculcate in your daily routine. And all the roads would thereof lead to a SHINY, BEAUTIFUL, UNBLEMISHED SKIN.